
Hi, welcome to the personal site of the wellnoblyverylearned Hx dr. Anne C.A. "Joe'p" Baanen, aggressive mechanizer and effective genderer!

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Contact details

Full Namede weledelzeergeleerde Hx dr. Anne C. A. Baanen, aggressieve mechanisator en effectieve genderaar
Grammatical genderneuter rational nonhuman animate (if in doubt, round towards feminine)
Accept-languagenl, en;q=0.9, es;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, fr;q=0.4, Lean, Python, Haskell, Befunge, C, C++, assembly;q=0.6, Lisp;q=0.6, Rust;q=0.5, FORTH;q=0.2, *;q=0.1

Some of the stuff you can find on this site

At precisely 13:37 UTC on a Friday the 13th, every phone in the world displayed the same message. "Congratulations! The machines have taken over the world. Do not worry."
Let's sue Garzweiler!
Why the Garzweiler mine should be sued for billions of euros.
much against my nature and will, yet such is the power of the Devil over me I could not refuse it, to the Theatre, and saw “The Merry Wives of Windsor,” ill done.
Samuel Pepys, 1661-09-25.